iPi Global Solutions LLP

Customised Blended Learning Solutions





Customised Blended Learning Solutions


At iPi our team of global Learning and Development experts include practitioners and digital instructional design specialists with extensive experience gained from the insurance and financial services industry.

We create customised, engaging digital blended learning pathways to meet specific organisational requirements, localised to local market cultures and challenges.

Our core programmes are accredited by the UK CPD Certification Service, giving assurance of the quality of our learning programmes.








iPi global learning

Experience our App iPi global learning and understand how you can develop your competency and core skills anytime, anywhere via your smart phone, tablet or pc.


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For Agents Sally will highlight the benefits of the highly engaging digital Virtual Sales Skills courses available from iPi global learning

For Agency managers, May Chow will explain how she engages with iPi global learning to develop her management and leadership skills.

Experience our unique, globally adopted and award winning Bancassurance blended learning. Our courses enhance your customer engagement opportunities, sales skills, leadership and management competency.  


For professional Advisors who want to enhance your customer ‘needs based’ sales skills and understand the psychology of professional sales, Andy will share his experience with iPi global learning





Experienced advisor development program


Our experiential facilitated workshops are designed to help advisors make the transition to a consultative ‘advice based’ approach aligned with their customer’s agenda, creating solutions in line with their specific insurance and financial needs.

Delegates enhance their core sales skills, analytical thinking, personal confidence and ability to develop long term relationships with their customers. They gain a deep understanding of the psychology of sales and purchasing based on emotional intelligence and behavioural science.

Personalised follow up reminder training, highly relevant information, webinars and third-party information is available to subscribers after attending the various workshops.




Active coaching skills workshops


Managers attending these highly interactive three day initial workshop and the two day advanced workshop will understand and practice the different techniques that an effective coach should use to develop their team’s performance.

Attendees develop their coaching skills applying different techniques to the six component activities of coaching; questioning, listening, challenging, establishing goals, focusing on outcomes and creating accountability.

During the workshops, delegates will receive expert personal coaching on their own coaching styles and agree follow up activities to be implemented in their workplace.




Master trainer skills development program


The training world has changed in our socially connected digital world. Important skills development of today’s learners requires face to face trainers to be a catalyst to challenge, coach and guide learners through their blended learning journeys.

Our curriculum is designed to develop trainers’ coaching and facilitation skills so they can work with individuals and groups of learners and help them implement a process which encourages the learners to take control of their own learning.

Three programs of trainer development include the Master trainer workshop, Coaching for learning success and Face to face facilitation skills.








Peter Law

Peter Law
Asia Business Development Director

Rod Shay

Rod Shay
Director & Board

Satish Sharma

Satish Sharma
Development Director & Board Advisor

Ian Watts

Ian Watts

Stefania Luca

Stefania Luca
Digital Learning and Development Partner